C Committing War Crimes is a Duty; Reporting Them is a Felony BREAKING: CNN Reports CIA Engaged in Massive Intimidation Campaign to Keep Benghazi a Secret Volunteers of America The MURDER of the Middle Class – Michael Snyder Governments Around The World Are Responsible For 262 Million People In The 20th Century The Fed Doesn’t Control as Much as You Think It Does Cheat-Sheet On Spying “The Law That Never Was” Sullivan Vs United States – Judge ADMITS 16th Amendment failed ratification Weiner Overkill, Manning Ignored – Weapons of Mass Distraction “We Control America” Gov’t Knows Best? White House creates ‘nudge squad’ to shape behavior 1 day before 9/11 – 2.3 Trillion $ Missing from DOD Al-Qaeda, Taliban Receive U.S. Government Contracts Despite Being Sworn Enemy Profiting off war: A look into the world of Israeli arms dealing UUnmasking The CAFR Scam In Every City, USA U.S SOLDIERS Expose Obama Martial Law Agenda Plans 2013! (SHARE) Zionist Washington Ensuring End of America Takeover: Banks Act In Their Own Interests, And They Own The Fed The Important Things We DON’T Have Money For, And The Crazy Things We DO Have Money For… Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie An overview of the early subversion of America How The Media Controls Public Perception America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System US Hatched Terror Plots Missing Money The Biggest Ponzi Scheme In The History Of The World Banker’s Soviet Senate Set To Vote: S.744 Gives Lifetime Amnesty To 33 Million Foreigners To Work Diminishing American Jobs. If We Don’t Break Up the Big Banks, They Will Manipulate More and More of the Economy…Making Us Poorer and Poorer The Verdict Is In: Media and Government Guilty Chief Jackal John Roberts: Traitor In SCOTUS ~ Rothschild’s Tax On Dissent! The Psychotic Militarization of Law Enforcement Nikola Tesla: Calling all freethinkers Legal definition of Treason Syrian Preacher: The Jews have 2 goals–Divide the nations of the world, rip them apart and then destroy their morals Rothschild’s Mercenary Marxism: The Manifesto Of 150 Years Of Evil Ideology! We have no beef with Israel, Syrian Islamist rebel group says The Core Problem: Corruption Skyrockets Globally In the Grip of Tyranny The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism/Communism Not Mentioned at School NSA Spying Never Catches Israelis? Will ‘Hail Satan’ Pro-Abortion Crowd Kill the Baby-Killing Business? Wake up America, the Fourth Amendment is Dead: NSA Taps into Email, Google, Facebook, and ALL Phone Companies Asserting the Power of Non Compliance GOP Immigration Plan Devised by Communist Party Shocker: Only 1% of So Called Terrorists Nabbed by the FBI Were Real Stasi’s New Incarnation Warning: Cover Up Your Webcam When Not in Use Government Spying Has Always Focused On Crushing Dissent…Not On Keeping Us Safe How Hollywood Conquered a Superpower – Part II CIA Runs Al-Qaeda (Flashback) Libya’s Gold Reserves of 100+ Tons Have Been Stolen by Bankers Gun Control Only Keeps the Lawless Corrupt Government Safe from the People. Let Freedom Reign This July 4th By Withdrawing All Assets From the Global Banking Slavery System Obama Spends $100M on African Trip But Cancels Marines’ July 4th Fireworks About unlawful orders: US Supreme Court decided ‘law’ repugnant to Constitution is void High-Level US Government Officials Have Warned for 40 Years that Mass Surveillance Would Lead to Tyranny in America BREAKING: Glyphosate (Roundup) Carcinogenic In the PARTS PER TRILLION Range Pakistani PM Accuses His Own Military of Deadly Collusion With CIA First Congress Member Allowed to Read Secret Treaty Says “There Is No National Security Purpose In Keeping This Text Secret…This Agreement Hands The Sovereignty of Our Country Over to Corporate Interests” Deaths connected to the Obama White House FBI ‘justified’ in every shooting since 1993 – report NSA blackmailing government for whose interests?? To All Sheriffs, Deputies and the Police: Are You Peace Officers or Prostitutes for the Feds? Obama’s ‘Insider Threat’ Program: Discourages Whistleblowing, Treats Leaking as Aiding the Enemy Federal Workers Told To Snitch on Each Other Over Leaks Experts on the Left and the Right Agree: America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation Three States Dump Major Private Prison Company In One Month New UN Report Slams Zionist Abuse of Palestinian Children You’ve Heard that the Government and Big Corporations Are Spying. But Do You Have ANY IDEA How Widespread the Spying Really Is? Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: “US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad” National Security Should Never Be a For-Profit Industry France’s Media Admits that the Syrian “Opposition” is Al Qaida. Then Justifies French Government Support to the Terrorists Man Behind Syrian ‘Chemical Weapons’ Claim Is Fiction Writer Who Ran Benghazi Cover-Up We Call a Top NSA Whistleblower..And Get the REAL SCOOP on Spying